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Welcome to My Site!

Loretta Credo & Trinia Slattery (#101073)

We are FAMILY! Hoping that you will join us and be a part of this amazing adventure. August 31, 2017, I received a share for an online jewelry party. Now I am not a girlie glamour diva, but I was fascinated by the jewelry. Necklace and Earring sets for just $5! Everything was so beautiful! I couldn’t believe it. I ordered a few pieces so I could check out the quality. Boy was it great! Everything was even better in person! I fell in love with everything and wanted more. The online party was so much fun. People from all over the country were buying and partying. I decided that was something I wanted for myself, my daughter, and my granddaughter. Having fun, meeting new people, and making money! So our adventure begins, please join us!