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GlamMa's Bling Boutique (#108832)

When I began my Paparazzi Journey in October 20, 2017. I was a recent divorce going to some financial issues and I just needed to make enough money to cover my debs on a monthly basis. I had no idea that I would far surpass that goal in no time! But, more importantly I would begin a business that would change my life and the lives of SO many others. I am blessed and fortunate to do what I LOVE everyday which is make a difference in the lives of those I come in contact with. Paparazzi Accessories is so much more than jewelry! It is a way of life, a bridge, a movement, a family and most importantly the change MANY are praying for. Thank you for visiting my site. Shop with me, join my team or share my page with a friend. You’ll be so glad you did!