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Ashley Howarth (#1123)

My name is Ashley Howarth. I started with paparazzi in April of 2011. I started my first day with just a few pieces and sold them quicker then I expected. Before I knew it in one month I had sold $3000 in jewelry, and had gotten 21 personally sponsored team members. I got promoted to a fashionista in 8 months. I didn't realize how easy something like this could be. I have more friends then I could ever imagine and I matter to paparazzi, my Paparazzi family means the world to me! Since paparazzi we have bought more, played more, saved more and enjoyed more money then we ever thought possible. The best part is it has just started for me! Even better is knowing that it can be the exact same for others too. Paparazzi is changing lives and I want to help it change yours! Join my team and let's go do things that we have only dreamed of. Let's make the world feel and look amazing and get paid to do it! I'm so excited for the future of Paparazzi!