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Welcome to My Site!

Audrey Lewis (#244062)

Hello I started my Paparazzi journey in November of 2018 and I am currently a Premier Director. I am Blessed to have team that works together daily to achieve our goals & dreams. I had no idea that I would become a consultant. I was buying so much Jewelry and thought about it..... I said to myself “you have purchased several kits” I decided to invest in the $499 kit because it had 200 pieces of jewelry and a convention ticket to Vegas. This opportunity was a game changer in my life. I went from selling jewelry out of my basement, to a kiosk in the mall and now I have a beautiful store in The Orchards Mall. Wether your looking to do this full or part-time. Our $5 jewelry is trendy & affordable! Please enjoy shopping on my site and let me know if I can help you in any way. Thank you shop join a party! join my team!