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Julie Smith (#25922)

Hello! My name is Julie Smith! Let me tell you a little about myself! I was born and raised in Fond du Lac, WI. I have a 28 year old son named Dillon and 2 dogs, 1 black lab that is 11 and a rescue lab mix that is 5! I started selling Paparazzi in May/2014! I immediately fell in love with it! I wanted to start out small but ended up going all out because I enjoy Paparazzi so much! I love so much about Paparazzi! I've made great friendships with my Papa sisters, I love to make people feel beautiful and who doesn't like a little extra cash!!! Not to mention all the trips I have been on because of Paparazzi!! Please contact me if you would like to book a party or if you would like to join my Paparazzi team! Feel free to join my shopping group, I post new items daily!!