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Natalie Ando (#33617)

My name is Natalie, and I am the mother of the 3 vibrant girls! I have been selling Paparazzi for over 6 years now. I've been to Vegas 3 times for their Annual Convention! ....And, I DID NOT used to LOVE JEWELRY. Jewelry items I loved, even just fashion jewelry, were always pricey. Owning Jewelry felt like an added luxury that I mostly couldn't afford. Finding Jewelry that is only $5, but just as fashionable as my finds in Express, and same quality, made me fully ABLE to Love Jewelry. It no longer stressed me out that I couldn't have every cute style I wanted. Now, I don't compare myself to other women with beautiful accessories, and feel sorry for myself. I can wear WHATEVER I WANT now! I can BUY whatever I want! I can have new items every week if I want! I could wear it once and never wear it again, and not feel guilty! You Can Too. 😉