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Rosalinda O'Neill (#337716)

I started with Paparazzi in November of 2019 and November being the Month of Thanksgiving, I have to say that it was one of the things I am most greatfulll!! It was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I started out looking for something to regain my passion again! For the entirety of my adult life, I had worked in the corporate world, But Paparazzi gave me the opportunity to be my own Boss!! Wow, what a change! I was selling, making a great profit, AND, I was out training new consultants for my team. I also have the opportunity to travel to places that I never dreamed possible. All because I took the chance and joined Paparazzi! Thanks to Paparazzi, I get to change the lives of every person I meet by introducing them to gorgeous jewelry, accessories and more, AND the opportunity to build and grow their business.