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Tanisha Troutman (#430805)

Hi my name is Tanisha Troutman and I’m Wife,Mother of four Amazing children and still working a 9-5 job. I’ve longed for something fun just for ME and Paparazzi has truly provided that. For months I found myself ordering a hot pieces. I and became hooked! Then I noticed the Sisterhood -Women Empowerment! I always had a thing for bling and at only $5, I could have a lot of it. Now, I am a consultant building my business, being my own boss, and sharing my passion for fun, affordable jewelry with others. I’ve found selling Paparazzi makes people happy and that makes me happy. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join the Paparazzi Team. If you are looking to make an extra income and be your own boss, let's talk and get you started with this awesome company

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