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Evazanette Fryson (#236216)

My name is Evazanette, but all of my friends call me Precious. I initially started this business just to help a friend by building his team, I figured that team building would be great for him. I already knew that I loved the jewelry, so when I heard that I could start getting this amazing jewelry for only $2.75 that made my decision that much easier to join. I had no idea that Paparazzi was going to impact my life as much as it has. This business has connected me with so many amazingly beautiful people that has become not only my friends, but has also become like an extended part of my family. I'm currently ranking as a Producer, Crown Club 10, LOP Black Diamond and I can't wait to see just how far The God will take me in this business. Paparazzi is the best decision that I've ever made in my life!!

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