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Lupe Harnack (#346393)

Hello my name is Lupita Harnack. I started buying paparazzi in 2019. I fell in love with it, I was buying so much that the girl I was buying from asked me to join. She said it would be a lot cheaper if I was a consultant and bought my own jewelry at cost so I joined. That was in Jan, 28, 2020. I was buying so much I felt guilty buying for myself and not sharing. So I started to give it away,🤦🏻‍♀️. Then Mercedes told me I should start selling it. Well it was as if someone spilled cold water 💧 on me. I started to shiver just thinking about going live on Facebook. I have never been a good speaker let alone talking to a camera in Front of who knows who. I was so nervous I thought I was going to faint. Then Covid hit, I was so happy to have paparazzi it actually saved me. See I’m an alcoholic, if I wouldn’t have had the Angels that I have now to be here for me. I would have just sat here and drank. So I thank Paparazzi and my sweet Angels for being here for me all the time. I have not really built a team yet. But I will.❤️ I still truly love my paparazzi it’s the best business I have ever gotten into. I have so much fun with it, and my paparazzi sisters at convention. My daughter sells it too, so we go to conventions together. She lives in Louisiana and me in Southern California. Pretty soon we will be over there husband has retired and we are ready to start a new chapter in our life. It’s going to be fun. So if you wish to join me just sign up below..❤️❤️ I would love to have you on my team.