Netra's Bling LLC (#359099)
Hello, my name is Ronnetra. I'm a nurse, bonus mom, wife, 🐱 cat mom, glamMa and life long Bible Student. I discovered Paparazzi from my mom, and boy am I glad she introduced me! I decided to become a consultant in March 2020. I joined initially just to spend time with my mom and as a hobby. Now I see that it's so much more than just selling jewelry. Paparazzi has bought my mother and I closer, not just as business associates but as friends. This company has assisted me in supplying my family with necessities and treats thus far!🙌🏽 This journey is already starting off simply amazing and I love it! I would love for you to allow me to assist in starting your BLING life as a consultant or a customer! To CONNECT with me, LIKE & Follow me on FB & Tic TOC @Netra's Bling!💎