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Rasheedah Bass (#53000)

Hi, Im Rasheedah! I am an elementary public school educator, and the mother of a beautiful daughter. I first learned about Paparazzi through a friend who was already a consultant. I have a love for jewelry, so I was interested in learning more about the company. However, I was skeptical because I had been in direct sales before, and eventually let them go because of dissatisfaction. Paparazzi has proven to be cut from a different cloth! I absolutely LOVE the connections I have made with my AMAZING team! The jewelry/accessories literally sell themselves, and the best part of all....there is never a conflict with my home or full time job, because I work my business on my own schedule! Success comes quickly in this business because you are selling a quality product that everyone can afford. There's no turning back for me, I am so happy I took the leap into starting my own Paparazzi business!

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