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Ruqayyah Singletary (#155090)

Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by my website. I joined Paparazzi for an additional stream of income. My husband and I are both Federal employees working for the Department of Defense. In January 2018 the government decided to shut down and furloughed all non mission essential employees with no pay. At that moment I knew we needed a plan B! I’ve tried other direct sales companies in the past and wasn’t as successful as I hoped so naturally I was apprehensive about joining Paparazzi. When I expressed my concerns (fears) to my husband he said, “at least you tried”. Those 4 words were a game changer. He was right. Some won’t even try. No longer will I allow fear, insecurities or past failures hold me back. I’m walking by faith and going to look good doing it with my fashionable $5 jewelry. Contact me today if you want to learn more about this business opportunity.