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When you take a country girl out of the country, she may live in the city, she's still country. Just as I taught my children about the country. I now teach my grandchildren. I love hard work and I sometimes chew off more than I can bite. Staying busy keeps my mind focused on other things swirling in my mind. I'm always told there's too much on my plate. For a long time, everyday, there's always something new to learn to cope with life. When finding out about Paparazzi, it may have been just another item to place on my plate. Hobbies are a beautiful thing to keep busy. Though now, I want this to be more than a hobby. No more just surviving, it is time to thrive in this world of chaos.With a growing family for a grandmother, there are so many dreams and goals for us all. Please to one and all help make dreams come true for my great tribe.

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