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Alesha Mikels (#278859)

As a widowed, mother of 3, who worked as a night shift RN--I was often too tired to hit the big stores and shop all the latest trends. I lived in leggings and a tshirt--frumpy--but showing up. I randomly found Paparazzi Accessories, from the comfort of my couch and saw some REALLY cute earrings. $5? really??? just five bucks??" I couldn't believe it! They were so cute! And even cuter in my ears! But, the best part was how I FELT wearing them. Mood changer! Game changer! And even if they weren't--I wouldn't beat myself up over spending just $5 on them. I knew this was something special. For me. And needed to be brought to other women. So, here I am! An independent Paparazzi Accessories consultant. Hopefully, I can be YOUR jewelry girl and make you feel as pretty as I do in your first pair of Paparazzi earrings!