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Welcome to my direct website for all of your $5 bling needs! I'm Melissa Mancini and I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I have been married almost 15 years with two boys, 14 and 10. Life gets busy some days, but showing off our $5 jewelry is a bit of an obsession for me :) I've been an Independent Consultant with Paparazzi now for just over three years and I love it. Our products are all nickel and lead free, which can't be said from hypoallergenic or SS/gold earrings. So say $5 jewelry won't last? Not Paparazzi jewelry! The pieces are well made and with proper care will last! Why not give a piece or two a try? From necklaces, to earrings, rings and bracelets as well as hair accessories and Starlet Shimmer items for younger ladies, there is always a new find! Come by my Facebook VIP group to discover the passion! https://www.facebook.com/groups/BlingFairy/

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