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Nikki Purcell (#361811)

Welcome to my world, where you can have it your way everyday with Paparazzi. My name is Nikki Purcell and I am now a Director. I ranked up in only five weeks. Yes, this is a great business to partner with and make all your dreams come true. My papa family loves their accessories just as much as I do. Sometimes I wonder how Paparazzi does it. Please visit my website and contact me if you have any questions at 336-263-7069. My team is growing continuously. I would love for you to be a part of this growing business. We are family and everyone supports and helps one another. Enjoy your $5 bling daily and don't forget to tell everyone about all the great deals. I appreciate you visiting and I would love to help you be successful in this business if you are interested in making some extra money for your family. Thank you for being a customer.

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