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Erin Borchers (#367158)

April 24, 2020 was when I decided to sign up under my best friend because I bought so much I decided to buy a kit and start selling as a hobby to supplement my income while I worked full-time as an EMT. Was going really well there for awhile then in December 2020 I was diagnosed with C-19. Unfortunately I became one of the long-hauler cases. (still have the symptoms to this day and live with it daily) I was unable to return to work so my hobby was then turned into a full-time work from home business. If it wasn't for this business who knows where I would be today. One thing they don't tell you when you have to be on disability (Short then long Term) from your employer is there is long period of time till you can get paid. Thankfully I decided in January 2021 to go ALLIN.Feel free to message me and I would love to help guide you the same way my amazing uplines and their teams have guided me.

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