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Diane Borja Ferreira (#393791)

June 2020, I joined Paparazzi to shop at a discount then I had to start selling to make extra income. As scary as it is getting to know new people, it has been such a blessing and has allowed me to gain so much confidence in myself and what I do. I never imagined that the decision to join for the discount would transform into something so much bigger than $5 jewelry! I went from an extremely insecure person, never thinking I was good enough, pretty enough or even loved... that I’d never amount to be anything successful. And now, I'm a leader to a bunch of amazing women which is an extreme HONOR! I'm not just building a team, I'm building my second famILY. I am so blessed with those who have trusted me to help inspire, guide and mentor them through their own journey! Let me help YOU! Join my family today! Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeesGoodies671

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