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Ms. Jackson's Jewelry Box (#475683)

Some things never change. I'm proof of that. As a kid, I loved playing in jewelry. As an adult, I love playing in jewelry. I've been a Paparazzi shopper for quite some time but had never considered selling it. I didn't even know about being a consultant. That all changed when I was told about the opportunity to buy this jewelry at a discount. I jumped on that! I thought, "Yeah, I can buy this already affordable jewelry for an even lower price!" I still had no intention of selling the jewelry. But when my Party Kit from Paparazzi showed up at my door & I opened it, I WAS HOOKED!! I knew this jewelry was so beautiful, it would sell itself. That was in July of 2021, and I have loved every minute of my Paparazzi journey! I thought I would just be a salesperson. I had no idea this jewelry would change my life. But it did, and it does every single day. I love being an Independent Consultant with Paparazzi. Thank you for visiting my site!

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