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Pam Hicks (#55567)

I joined Paparazzi in October of 2016. When I joined Paparazzi it was in hopes that as a single parent I could take my 3 girls on a vacation. I was skeptical at first because I had done other direct sales and failed. Within 30 days of signing up I had already reached the first rank of Director. In December of 2017, Paparazzi paid for our 2 week vacation to Oregon to spend Christmas with my mom. This included 4 airline tickets, a rental car, Christmas for my family, and spending money while we were gone. In January 2018, my boyfriend (husband now) and i decided that it was time for me to pursue this full time. So, April 2018 I walked away from my full time job of 5 years. Almost a year later and I haven't even thought about stepping back into the corporate world. Paparazzi has changed my life in more ways than I could EVER imagine. So... if you are reading then I would have to guess you have to thinking about making this leap, right? DO IT!

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